Monday, October 27, 2014

Second Visit- Thank-You Bones!

My second visit went a bit smoother than the first. We moved a few more desks to the side of the classroom which defined a better "dance space". We then reviewed the class rules for when I'm there. Which are 1. Stay in your dance space. This means no touching the walls, desks or their neighbor. 2. Be a focused dancers. When I ask a question, I asked that they show me with their body not with their mouth.  3. Do your best. With dance there are a million right answers for every question, I want the students to feel successful with the movement and material every time I leave the classroom. This visit I taught about the Skeletal system. We focused on three primary functions of the skeletal system which are- structure/frame, movement and protection. When I asked the students to show me what it would look like if they didn't have any bones, they all gave excellent examples of what would happen. The lesson continued on exploring locomotor movement, and isolations of specific body parts that protect essential organs. Each student is so creative, but my main concern with this lesson was their focus and their ability to make connections with the movement and the material they had previously learned in class. It was evident that some students were participating, but they were watching others make choices instead of taking responsibility to really understand why they were asked to move in that specific way. I'm hoping my next lesson, which will be a continuation of this one, can clear up any confusion about the functions of the skeletal system.

1 comment:

  1. Thats good that you're observant of the students and assessing their comprehension. Keep up the good work!
